Charlie Newlands – Sierra Leone 2018

November 2018 I visited Sierra Leone, one of the two poorest countries in the world, where most of the people live in tin sheds or mud houses with no running water or electricity. It is situated in the S.W. corner of Middle Africa, almost on the equator and average...

Seniors’ Day Out Thursday 23 August

Five of the ‘seniors’ from Renfrew Rotary were collected by our chauffeur of the day (Mr Shan), who kindly transported us in his winged chariot. Flying into the big metropolis of Scotland’s second city, we were slightly too late for a tour of the majestic City...

22 August : Rotary Club of New Glasgow

Visited the Rotary club of New Glasgow today. Was made most welcome by president Allayna Munroe and Rtn Rick Goodman. The club has a membership around 23 and an interact club. Rick hopes our interact club may be able to hook up with them for an international project....

22 August 2018 : Viola Irene Desmond

Viola Irene Desmond (July 6, 1914 – February 7, 1965) was a Canadian Black Nova Scotian businesswoman who challenged racial segregation at a cinema in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, in 1946. She refused to leave a whites-only area of the Roseland Theatre (currently being...

4th August 18 ‘Doon the Watter’

The Waverley Trip… 17 Rotarians’ and friends met at Glasgow Science Centre at 10am to board the Waverley for our trip doon the watter. We had an absolute smashing day out enjoying good weather and a sail with fantastic views. We docked at Rothesey at 2pm and...

21 July 2018 Rise Against Hunger

The Rotary Clubs of District 1230 are getting together with friends and family to Rise Against Hunger. A charity set up to pack food to be shipped out to Africa. It’s a District event designed to bring all the clubs of the district together so we can all make a...