President Marion welcomed everyone to the evening and very soon MC Lennie was introducing the program and race format to an eager crowd.
The “bookies” were expertly trained by Lennie just before the guests began to arrive. I was impressed by Iain’s dedication as he left his companies night out – mind you it may have been a better night without the boss!?!
Races 1 – 5 were over surprisingly quickly.
A game of stand up BINGO was organised to fill in time for the Buffet to get set up. I’m sure there was nothing MC Lennie would have wanted other than present the prize to the winner but there was a lack of “listening ears” as teacher says and after checking 6 or so “winners cards” the prize was put into the raffle!
With a healthy number of attendees and a great feel about the night it looked like we would hit our target in support of Rotary Foundation (£1000.00), and local Charity ENABLE Renfrew (£500.00)
The total at the time of writing is £1546.77 with a trickle of money still finding its way into the Good Causes account.
Without the support of the 60 or so people there and the 30 that donated raffle prizes and bought the dodgy horses! We would not have had such a “Like the old days” feel about the function.
Without the support of the 60 or so people there and the 30 that donated raffle prizes and bought the dodgy horses! We would not have had such a “Like the old days” feel about the function.
Thanks has to be aimed at the workers behind the scenes, the ever attentive bar staff and all kitchen and waiting staff of Ralston Golf Club without whom the event would less memorable.