President Adam and his fiancée Beth attended the official launch of the 2023 Poppy Appeal at Holyrood on behalf of the Club on 25th October. This was followed by a visit from Robert Macrae of PoppyScotland who reminded us of the good work of the charity, and the contribution Renfrew Rotary have made over the years.
The Club continued its’ yearly success of raising as much money and awareness as possible for the Appeal. Club members, family and friends manned buckets at a wide variety of locations which included: Braehead Shopping Centre, Sainsburys, Tesco, Aldi and, of course, Ibrox Stadium. More than 50 volunteers gave up a total of 300 hours of their time to help the Appeal over a period of 16 days. Special thanks go to Mac De Souza and Gary Louttit who organise and prepare these collections on behalf of the club every year and take time to collect all the static tins afterwards. Without them, our contribution towards the Appeal simply wouldn’t be possible.
Thanks also go to those who painted over 400 poppy rocks and knitted 450 poppies, all of which were sold with 100% of the proceeds going towards PoppyScotland. From the initial counts of donations, it looks likely that this year’s Appeal has been one of the most successful we’ve had for many years.